Our Objectives(उद्देश्य )
Objectives of Azad Barber Association
1- Organizing and getting barbers of Salmani or Sain fraternity living in different parts of Delhi and working for their welfare.
2- Organizing programs for the salvation of your hairdresser community.
3- To get rid of your problems, meet government officials and get your problems done.
4 - To get the barber shop weekly fixed and timetable fixed.
5- Any person of any other caste or special category who adopts our barber profession and by cutting hair with "Scissors - razor" and cutting it from any other, makes the barber profession a source of income or income, then it is a barber society. It will be mandatory to follow the rules of Which will be in the interest of the barber society and the committee.
6 - The barber committee will have the right to pray for the "salvation and welfare" of the barber society every demand that can help in the salvation, welfare and backwardness of the barber society such as the "Housing and Employment" policy for the barber.
7 - To awaken the society for the motherland.
8 - The committee should pay attention to the facilities provided by the Government of India and the State Government of the Barber Society and to take appropriate action and take action to fulfill them.
9 - To work for the education and employment of children of barber fraternity.
10- To strengthen and establish all the individuals and shopkeepers related to the barber fraternity in Delhi state and work in the context of their merchant and social problems.
11- Combating atrocities on barber community from time to time and solving them.
12- The committee will demand from the government that shops should be allotted to Barbers on priority basis at places like DDA, NDMC, MCD Government Hospital, DTC Depot railway station etc. and the barber sitting on the sidewalk should be allotted.
13- To raise the standard of living of the barber by providing loan facility to the government, making them self-sufficient.
14- To organize cultural, sports, hair seminars etc. for the members of the committee and their children.
Our Objectives(उद्देश्य )
Objectives of Azad Barber Association
1- Organizing and getting barbers of Salmani or Sain fraternity living in different parts of Delhi and working for their welfare.
2- Organizing programs for the salvation of your hairdresser community.
3- To get rid of your problems, meet government officials and get your problems done.
4 - To get the barber shop weekly fixed and timetable fixed.
5- Any person of any other caste or special category who adopts our barber profession and by cutting hair with "Scissors - razor" and cutting it from any other, makes the barber profession a source of income or income, then it is a barber society. It will be mandatory to follow the rules of Which will be in the interest of the barber society and the committee.
6 - The barber committee will have the right to pray for the "salvation and welfare" of the barber society every demand that can help in the salvation, welfare and backwardness of the barber society such as the "Housing and Employment" policy for the barber.
7 - To awaken the society for the motherland.
8 - The committee should pay attention to the facilities provided by the Government of India and the State Government of the Barber Society and to take appropriate action and take action to fulfill them.
9 - To work for the education and employment of children of barber fraternity.
10- To strengthen and establish all the individuals and shopkeepers related to the barber fraternity in Delhi state and work in the context of their merchant and social problems.
11- Combating atrocities on barber community from time to time and solving them.
12- The committee will demand from the government that shops should be allotted to Barbers on priority basis at places like DDA, NDMC, MCD Government Hospital, DTC Depot railway station etc. and the barber sitting on the sidewalk should be allotted.
13- To raise the standard of living of the barber by providing loan facility to the government, making them self-sufficient.
14- To organize cultural, sports, hair seminars etc. for the members of the committee and their children.
Our Objectives(उद्देश्य )
आज़ाद बारबर एसोसिएशन के उद्देशय
1- दिल्ली के विभिन्न भागो में रहने वाले सलमानी या सैन बिरादरी के बारबरो को संगठित करना व कराना और उनकी वैलफेयर के लिये काम करना।
2- अपनी बारबर बिरादरी के उद्धार हेतू कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करना।
3- अपनी समस्याओ को दूर करने के लिये सरकारी अधिकारीयों से मिलना और अपनी
समस्याओ को दूऱ करवाना।
4- बारबरो की दुकान का साप्ताहिक अवकाश एवं टाईमटेबल फिक्स करवाना।
5- अन्य किसी भी जाती या विशेष वर्ग के कोई भी व्यक्ति जो की हमारे बारबर पेशे को अपनाता है एवं "कैची - उस्तरा " से बाल काटकर एवं किसी अन्य से कटवाकर बारबर पेशे को अपनी कमाई या आमदनी का स्रोत बनाता है तो उसे बारबर समाज के नियम अनुसार चलना अनिवार्य होगा। जोकि बारबर समाज व समिति के हित में होगा।
6- बारबर समिति को बारबर समाज के " उद्धार एवं कल्याण " के लिये हर उस मांग की प्रार्थना करने का अधिकार होगा जो बारबर समाज के उद्धार, कल्याण एवं पिछड़ापन दूऱ करने में सहायक हो जैसे बारबरो के लिये आसान " आवास एवं रोजगार "नीति।
7- समाज क़ो मातृभूमी के लिये जाग्रत करना।
8- समिति बारबर समाज की भारत सरकार एवं राज्ये सरकार द्वारा दी गयी सुविधाओ की ओर ध्यान दिलाना एवं उनको पूरा करने के लिये उचित कार्यवाही करना एवं करवाना।
9- बारबर बिरादरी के बच्चो की शिक्षा एवं रोजगार हेतु कार्य करना।
10- दिल्ली राज्य में बारबर बिरादरी से सम्बंधित सभी व्यक्ति एवं दुकानदारों क़ो मजबूत करना व संगठन कायम करना एवं उनकी व्यापारीक व सामाजिक समस्याओं के सन्दर्भ में कार्य करना।
11- बारबर बिरादरी पर समय - समय पर होने वाले अत्याचारों से मुकाबला करना व उनको हल करना।
12- समिति सरकार से मांग करेगी की डीडीए, एनडीएमसी ,एमसीडी सरकारी अस्पताल डिटीसी डिपो रेलवे स्टेशन आदि स्थानों पर प्राथमिकता के आधार पर बारबरो को दुकाने अलॉट की जायें एवं फुटपाथ पर बैठे बारबरो को थड़े अलॉट किये जायें।
13- बारबरो के जीवन स्तर ऊचां उठाने के लिये सरकार से लोन की सुविधा दिलाकर उन्हें स्वावलम्बी बनाना।
14- समिति के सदस्यों एवं उनके बच्चों के लिये सांस्कृतिक, खेलकूद , हेयर सेमिनार आदि कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करना।